Friday, July 25, 2008

Joker's Dad

In the movie, “The Dark Knight”, Joker has several versions of how he got his scars.

First and most prevalent is the tale of an abusive father. We are never clear on why Joker I the way he is, however, it is clear that an abusive home has profound effects on the development of a child and the subsequent choices made in the future.

If Joker witnessed violence in his home as a child, it would explain the choices he made in the movie. The question is why does a person who can make a change, in this case his mother choose to stay in a bad situation? One that is detrimental to herself as well as to her son.

There is a thought that if a couple can’t stay in together for each other; they should stay together for the children. However, to what end? A violent home models to a child how to have a violent home. The parents teach the child how to stay stuck in a negative situation and put others ahead of self no matter the cost.

Raising Joker in a single parent home would have been a better choice. No on should be subjected to the type of situation Joker described. Not an adult and not a child.

There are times when a two parent home is not better than a single parent environment and this is one of them.

Something to think about...


Tell me , what is your biggest challenge to being a single parent?
Go to - Single Parent Challenge

Primary Parenting on Purpose

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Friday, July 18, 2008

Pregnancy Pact

It is reported that a number of girls have gotten pregnant because they want to raise their babies together. These girls are still in high school.

It is interesting that these girls have so nonchalantly chosen to make this 18 year commitment not only for themselves but for the young men who are the father's and the girl's parent's as well.

A comment from one of them was, "I think my parents will support me in this."

For the amount of time, money and energy that it takes to raise a child, to not find out for sure of the support expected is foolish.

Let's not even mention the lives of the children that will be brought into this world under these conditions.

It does not sound like any of these girls are self-sufficient and supporting themselves.

It is assumed by some that these girls are having the children to receive un-conditional love.

Babies do not give you un-conditional love. They are very needy. They cannot feed, bathe, or clothe themselves.

They do not care if you are hungry, sick or tired yourself.

Are these girls prepared to give un-conditional love? What are they going to do if their baby isn't what they expected? Will they preserve through colicky, 2am feedings, etc?

This is just a few things to face when the child is a baby.

What about when the child reaches school age? And beyond?

Will these girls be able and willing to create a "Bringing up Baby” pact?

Something to think about...


Tell me , what is your biggest challenge to being a single parent?
Go to - Single Parent Challenge

Primary Parenting on Purpose

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