Tuesday, December 23, 2008

When Industry Bubbles Pop

We shouldn’t be surprised that the auto industry is in a crisis. Many industries have formed a bubble and the bubble popped. History repeats itself over and over.

So the leaders of this industry have some tough choices to make. And they don’t have to make them in a vacuum. They can look at events in other industries and find out what the surviving companies did. Can they do the same thing or something similar to remain viable? Or are they going to continue to try to do the same thing they are doing now and run their companies into the ground?

Have they really been paying attention to the market? With so many people in danger of losing their homes, are they going to be buying a new car this year?

Something to think about,

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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Auto Bailout and My Taxes

Well looks like the bailout is going to happen. It is our tax dollars that will be helping out. Now, I’m ok with my money going to help those less fortunate than myself. However, many of the people this is going to help makes x times more than I do.

In business, a company is supported when consumers buy the goods and services that it provides. If I had spent same money in this way, I would have a new car. Clearly a win win.

However, with the bailout, the auto manufacturer gets my money but I don’t get a car.

How does this make sense? I’m a single parent, I’ve struggled to make sure that not only I pay my bills on time and not get over my head, I’m teaching my children to do the same. I’m rewarded by bailing out the big boys.


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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Planes, Trains and Automobiles: Transportation Companies in Trouble

The auto makers want to be bailed out. What are they going to do different if they are? I’m not sure that is why they want the bail out. It sounds like they want to keep doing what they have always done. But things are changing and that is why they are in trouble. They haven’t made adjustments to keep up.

There are airline and railroad companies still around today, but many are gone.

Are the auto makers going to wake up and make the changes necessary for their companies to survive or are they going to allow their companies to be added to the list of once was?

I read recently and idea for the auto makers. They could wait until the car is ordered to make it. Makes sense to me. I’m sure there are lots of other great innovative ideas that they could come up with that would do more than put a band-aid on the problem.

What do you think?

Something to think about,
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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Car Manufacturer Bailout

I was glad when I heard that the bailout isn’t going to happen. Or have to go another round before it does. If companies cannot be viable, they need to find a way to revitalize and re define themselves or they need to fold.

This is not the first time in history that an industry mis-read the signs of the times. Look at the steel industry and the railroads. They are not the forces they once were.

The tax dollars that will go to the bailout will be from my pocket and yours. I don’t want my tax dollars to be spent in this manner. I’ve been responsible with my money and my choices. The car industry needs to as well.

They’ve been bailed out once before. Why didn’t that help? Because throwing money at a problem just prolongs the inevitable. The leaders don’t want to do the tough thing. Things have change and they need to change as well.

Something to think about...

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ricky Martin's a Dad

Heart throb Ricky Martin is the dad of twin boys. He chose to have a surrogate mother for his son’s.

Having a surrogate mother works out as long as the mom doesn’t change her mind about relinquishing the children. Ask the Stern’s about their worst case scenario when Mary Beth Whitehead changed her mind.

I commend Ricky that he has waiting until he is in a position to care for the children. He’s also given himself time to know who he is and what he wants.

I hope that as the boys grow, Ricky will seek the skills he will need to meet the challenges raising children will bring.

Congratulations Ricky! Get that man a cigar.

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Primary Parenting On Purpose

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Baby Borrowers

I got to watch a couple of episodes of Baby Borrowers. I think the premise is great. Let’s give teen considering having a child the opportunity to understand the full extent of that decision.

A kind of try before you buy.

Several teen couples make a commitment to get together and spend a day or so with someone else’s baby. They then get a turn with a toddler, a school age child, a teen and an elderly person.

One of the first things required was for the girls to put on a pregnancy belly. One girl wouldn’t wear it for the allotted time. I think she should have been kicked off the island so to speak. You don’t get to take off a pregnancy, unless you get an abortion.

But really even though these kids are getting to taste what it would be like. Let’s be real the type of jobs they would be able to obtain would not pay for the houses, cars, and baby equipment they get to use in the show.

They’d be able to get minimum wage jobs that might pay for a one bedroom apartment. Would their income, savings and or credit get them anything better than a used car?

And for those watching? Will those kids gain some wisdom or will they think, well I’m different. I could handle it?

Something to think about..

Primary Parenting On Purpose
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Sunday, August 3, 2008

Adoptive Dad in Juno

We are first introduced to Mark and Vanessa Loring, played by Jason Bateman and Jennifer Garner, when Juno, played by Ellen Page, answers their ad.

The Loring's want to adopt a baby. They have placed an ad in the weekly flyer.

As I watched the first shot of Vanessa as she puts cuff links in her shirt. The camera pans and we see an immaculate house. My first thought was oh, no, poor baby. Babies are messy. Children are even more so.

Then we watch as Vanessa emasculates her husband. He has a dream of playing rock on stage. He compromises and writes commercials. He has made a very good living at it. He is not happy. His wife relegates the things he cares most about in a small room in the house. She does not appreciate this part of who he is.

She discounts his dream. She tells him to grow up.

However, her dream is to have a baby. Her dream is not discounted. She will do anything to have a baby in her life.

Their relationship deteriorates to the point of separation and divorce.

At the end of the movie, we see how Juno and her boyfriend are doing. We see Vanessa happily embracing her baby. Will she emasculate her son as effectively as she did her husband?
However, Mark is not even mentioned. Did he try to reach his dream? We will never know. It feels to me that the writer’s also discounted him as much as his wife did.

What message are we telling men? That they serve only the purpose of providing and if they have their own dreams, they are selfish? Why were the choices of everyone else ok?
We are first introduced to Mark and Vanessa Loring, played by Jason Bateman and Jennifer Garner, when Juno, played by Ellen Page, answers their ad.

The Loring's want to adopt a baby. They have placed an ad in the weekly flyer.

As I watched the first shot of Vanessa as she puts cuff links in her shirt. The camera pans and we see an immaculate house. My first thought was oh, no, poor baby. Babies are messy. Children are even more so.

Then we watch as Vanessa emasculates her husband. He has a dream of playing rock on stage. He compromises and writes commercials. He has made a very good living at it. He is not happy. His wife relegates the things he cares most about in a small room in the house. She does not appreciate this part of who he is.

She discounts his dream. She tells him to grow up.

However, her dream is to have a baby. Her dream is not discounted. She will do anything to have a baby in her life.

Their relationship deteriorates to the point of separation and divorce.

At the end of the movie, we see how Juno and her boyfriend are doing. We see Vanessa happily embracing her baby. Will she emasculate her son as effectively as she did her husband?
However, Mark is not even mentioned. Did he try to reach his dream? We will never know. It feels to me that the writer’s also discounted him as much as his wife did.

What message are we telling men? That they serve only the purpose of providing and if they have their own dreams, they are selfish? Why were the choices of everyone else ok?

Something to think about...

What challenge are you facing as a single parent this week?
go to - Single Parent Challenge

Primary Parenting On Purpose

Friday, July 25, 2008

Joker's Dad

In the movie, “The Dark Knight”, Joker has several versions of how he got his scars.

First and most prevalent is the tale of an abusive father. We are never clear on why Joker I the way he is, however, it is clear that an abusive home has profound effects on the development of a child and the subsequent choices made in the future.

If Joker witnessed violence in his home as a child, it would explain the choices he made in the movie. The question is why does a person who can make a change, in this case his mother choose to stay in a bad situation? One that is detrimental to herself as well as to her son.

There is a thought that if a couple can’t stay in together for each other; they should stay together for the children. However, to what end? A violent home models to a child how to have a violent home. The parents teach the child how to stay stuck in a negative situation and put others ahead of self no matter the cost.

Raising Joker in a single parent home would have been a better choice. No on should be subjected to the type of situation Joker described. Not an adult and not a child.

There are times when a two parent home is not better than a single parent environment and this is one of them.

Something to think about...


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Friday, July 18, 2008

Pregnancy Pact

It is reported that a number of girls have gotten pregnant because they want to raise their babies together. These girls are still in high school.

It is interesting that these girls have so nonchalantly chosen to make this 18 year commitment not only for themselves but for the young men who are the father's and the girl's parent's as well.

A comment from one of them was, "I think my parents will support me in this."

For the amount of time, money and energy that it takes to raise a child, to not find out for sure of the support expected is foolish.

Let's not even mention the lives of the children that will be brought into this world under these conditions.

It does not sound like any of these girls are self-sufficient and supporting themselves.

It is assumed by some that these girls are having the children to receive un-conditional love.

Babies do not give you un-conditional love. They are very needy. They cannot feed, bathe, or clothe themselves.

They do not care if you are hungry, sick or tired yourself.

Are these girls prepared to give un-conditional love? What are they going to do if their baby isn't what they expected? Will they preserve through colicky, 2am feedings, etc?

This is just a few things to face when the child is a baby.

What about when the child reaches school age? And beyond?

Will these girls be able and willing to create a "Bringing up Baby” pact?

Something to think about...


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