Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Planes, Trains and Automobiles: Transportation Companies in Trouble

The auto makers want to be bailed out. What are they going to do different if they are? I’m not sure that is why they want the bail out. It sounds like they want to keep doing what they have always done. But things are changing and that is why they are in trouble. They haven’t made adjustments to keep up.

There are airline and railroad companies still around today, but many are gone.

Are the auto makers going to wake up and make the changes necessary for their companies to survive or are they going to allow their companies to be added to the list of once was?

I read recently and idea for the auto makers. They could wait until the car is ordered to make it. Makes sense to me. I’m sure there are lots of other great innovative ideas that they could come up with that would do more than put a band-aid on the problem.

What do you think?

Something to think about,
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