Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Single Parent Purpose - New Location

Hey Y'all,

I'm moving where I post my blogs. I would love it if you'd come join me.

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Can't wait to see you there!

Hugs and Jelly Kisses,
Laura C. Ries

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Auto Industry One Out of Seven Jobs

I heard recently that one out of seven jobs in America is tied to the auto industry.

That is a lot of influence in this country.

OK, fine. But what are people in these one out of seven jobs doing now that they’ve had a reprieve? Are some changes happening? Are they looking at the viability of the work they are doing? It could be even with the bailout that a lot of these jobs are going to be lost.

What are you going to do if one of those jobs is yours? Are you going to wait until it happens or are you going to take this opportunity to 1. Make your job viable? 2. Change jobs or start your own company? 3. Look at other possibilities?

Even if your job or business isn’t tied to the auto industry, wouldn’t it be a good idea to look at the changes happening and see if you can make a difference rather than waiting for something to happen?

Something to think about,
Primary Parenting On Purpose
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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

When Industry Bubbles Pop

We shouldn’t be surprised that the auto industry is in a crisis. Many industries have formed a bubble and the bubble popped. History repeats itself over and over.

So the leaders of this industry have some tough choices to make. And they don’t have to make them in a vacuum. They can look at events in other industries and find out what the surviving companies did. Can they do the same thing or something similar to remain viable? Or are they going to continue to try to do the same thing they are doing now and run their companies into the ground?

Have they really been paying attention to the market? With so many people in danger of losing their homes, are they going to be buying a new car this year?

Something to think about,

Primary Parenting On Purpose
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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Auto Bailout and My Taxes

Well looks like the bailout is going to happen. It is our tax dollars that will be helping out. Now, I’m ok with my money going to help those less fortunate than myself. However, many of the people this is going to help makes x times more than I do.

In business, a company is supported when consumers buy the goods and services that it provides. If I had spent same money in this way, I would have a new car. Clearly a win win.

However, with the bailout, the auto manufacturer gets my money but I don’t get a car.

How does this make sense? I’m a single parent, I’ve struggled to make sure that not only I pay my bills on time and not get over my head, I’m teaching my children to do the same. I’m rewarded by bailing out the big boys.


Something to think about,
Primary Parenting On Purpose
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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Planes, Trains and Automobiles: Transportation Companies in Trouble

The auto makers want to be bailed out. What are they going to do different if they are? I’m not sure that is why they want the bail out. It sounds like they want to keep doing what they have always done. But things are changing and that is why they are in trouble. They haven’t made adjustments to keep up.

There are airline and railroad companies still around today, but many are gone.

Are the auto makers going to wake up and make the changes necessary for their companies to survive or are they going to allow their companies to be added to the list of once was?

I read recently and idea for the auto makers. They could wait until the car is ordered to make it. Makes sense to me. I’m sure there are lots of other great innovative ideas that they could come up with that would do more than put a band-aid on the problem.

What do you think?

Something to think about,
Primary Parenting On Purpose
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Success Television blog

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Car Manufacturer Bailout

I was glad when I heard that the bailout isn’t going to happen. Or have to go another round before it does. If companies cannot be viable, they need to find a way to revitalize and re define themselves or they need to fold.

This is not the first time in history that an industry mis-read the signs of the times. Look at the steel industry and the railroads. They are not the forces they once were.

The tax dollars that will go to the bailout will be from my pocket and yours. I don’t want my tax dollars to be spent in this manner. I’ve been responsible with my money and my choices. The car industry needs to as well.

They’ve been bailed out once before. Why didn’t that help? Because throwing money at a problem just prolongs the inevitable. The leaders don’t want to do the tough thing. Things have change and they need to change as well.

Something to think about...

Primary Parenting On Purpose
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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ricky Martin's a Dad

Heart throb Ricky Martin is the dad of twin boys. He chose to have a surrogate mother for his son’s.

Having a surrogate mother works out as long as the mom doesn’t change her mind about relinquishing the children. Ask the Stern’s about their worst case scenario when Mary Beth Whitehead changed her mind.

I commend Ricky that he has waiting until he is in a position to care for the children. He’s also given himself time to know who he is and what he wants.

I hope that as the boys grow, Ricky will seek the skills he will need to meet the challenges raising children will bring.

Congratulations Ricky! Get that man a cigar.

Something to think about...

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